Nosh & Mangia

bitmojiUrban dictionary says a Jewtalian is: “Someone of Jewish and Italian descent. Loves pasta and bagels”. Couldn’t be more accurate…

I love food. Plain and simple. We grew up always planning and thinking about the next meal.

I love to explore different kinds of food. My family is Italian and Jewish which is where a lot of my inspiration comes from but I love Mexican food as if it were fed to me since I was a baby. I have no professional training in cooking; only in eating :). I love putting a twist on a recipe I find online or that I get from a family member.

When I can, and when the food will allow, I always opt for a healthier version. Certain things you can’t mess with and once in a while you need a creamy mac n’cheese but on daily basis I try to be conscious of what I consume. When shopping for food I always check the ingredients and if I can’t understand 95% of them, I won’t eat it!

A lot of my recipes come from nights when I find random things left in my fridge or pantry and transform it into a delicious meal! It just takes a little imagination and inspiration. I spend my free time watching the food network and looking for fun new recipes on Pinterest.

Please note: I don’t always use measurements and therefore don’t provide them. This blog was an effort I made to help me write down my recipes so I can remember them. I’m still learning. I also lose track of time. This would be the Italian blood in me… Use your best judgement when following my recipes! I also don’t like sweets and I don’t bake so you won’t find much in that category here.

Nosh & Mangia!

Jackie L. Bertolone




3 Comments Add yours

  1. Karin says:

    Great recipes!

  2. OMG the Jew in me that loves Italian is gonna have to try the Mexican lol! You realize that I will need to adapt the recipes to lower calories so I can eat them! Nice to meet you, can’t wait wait to travel around here and check out your recipes. Thank God for Pinterest.

  3. Shari Kelley says:

    Thanks so much for recently stopping by my blog. I see we have a lot in common – our love for eating and cooking and Mexican food! Unlike you, I am not good at knowing what to do with leftover food in the refrigerator. I hope I can learn from your blog. Best wishes to you in your cooking and writing, and I look forward to seeing your posts!

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